In late 2022 we published our inaugural market landscape on crop robotics; one that included almost 250 companies creating robotic solutions for growing food crops. As the sector continues to develop, we have updated the landscape, adding nearly 100 companies in the 2024 Crop Robotics Landscape…
We introduced our inaugural Ag Biologicals Landscape at last year’s Salinas Biologicals Summit with the goal of capturing the crop biologicals sector and its players. That landscape included 400 companies offering biological crop protection and crop…
Along with the Western Growers we released our Ag Biologicals Landscape 2023 at the Salinas Biological Summit. Led by Chris Taylor, with support from Franziska Schottler, Rob Trice and Michael Rose we identified 1,200 companies with “Products derived from…
Rob Trice, Founder and Partner of The Mixing Bowl, introduces the “Global Biological Ecosystem Map” at the 2023 Salinas Biological Summit, hosted by Wharf 42 and Western Growers.
Weeding, harvesting, picking, carrying,… Robots are today’s answer to the main challenges facing agriculture. And they will show up in Salinas for the second edition of FIRA USA. September 19…
We believe technology is the single biggest lever available to help address the challenges of the massive, impactful sector of food and agriculture—and realize the multitude of opportunities. Our two…
By Rob Trice, Founding Partner of Better Food Ventures & The Mixing Bowl. I have written of my desire to see more focus by the food and agriculture technology innovation ecosystem on solving today’s problems….
Megan Shahan, a regenerative food and agriculture consultant with The Mixing Bowl, Better Food Ventures and TomKat Ranch Educational Foundation authored this recent Farm Foundation Issue Report on “Data Interoperability…